
The roles of women and men in society 18th century

I come from China, so at first I want to talk about the roles of  women and men in society 18th century in China. In 18th century, China was at Qing Dynasty. At that time, women had no rights. Men always were more powerful than women, and men always had rights.

Men always ate first. Women could not eat with men at same time at one table. Women always ate after men.
Men always went to work, and made money for his family. Women always stay at home, and did all housework. Women never went out for working. Men did not took care for children. Women always took care for the children at home.

Only men could go to school for studying. If women wanted to learn knowledge, they stay home, and read some books.
Only men could took test. Women could not took any test.

Government and politics:
Only men could work in the government. Only men could took the test for government.
Women could not work in the government. Women never talked something about politics, and never join some politics activities.

Men could marry several women. Only men could allow to divorce.

